
Flipped Classroom – The Ultimate Guide

What Does A Flipped Classroom Mean? Classroom flipping is a student-centred approach to teaching and a form of blended learning that reverses the traditional learning process. In a traditional learning environment, the teacher stands in front of class and delivers the curriculum while the students sit and listen.  The students are then given homework toContinue reading “Flipped Classroom – The Ultimate Guide”

5 Best Science Resources For Primary Schools

Online science resources provide primary schools and teachers with a wealth of high-quality digital content to support the delivery of science-based learning in their classrooms.  These science resources aim to engage students through a mix of media, real-world context, and innovative lesson plans.  Here are the highest rated science resources for primary schools listed onContinue reading “5 Best Science Resources For Primary Schools”

Virtual Parents Evenings – A Guide & The Tools To Help You

Confrontational parents, staying in school until late, parent no-shows, overrun appointments, queues of impatient parents…Ahh, who could forget the joys of face-to-face parents evenings…

7 Best Health & Wellbeing Primary School Tools & Resources

Here are 7 of the highest rated health and wellbeing tools and resources on EdTech Impact. These online resources provide primary schools with an excellent range of tools to help engage students, and develop their understanding around mental health, wellbeing and physical activity. 1. GoBubble GoBubble is a fantastic social media platform for kids thatContinue reading “7 Best Health & Wellbeing Primary School Tools & Resources”

Behaviour Management in Schools – 5 Tips For Teachers

Every teacher will at some point in their career face challenges when tackling behaviour management in schools. This article was written by a teacher named Elena Diaz and it offers some fantastic tips to help you to form a solid behaviour management strategy.

Protecting Student Data – 7 Things You Should Be Doing

Let’s be honest, data privacy and protecting student data is a big deal, we all know that. But when it comes to actually putting measures in place to safeguard your students against potential privacy violations, it can feel like a can of worms.  Where do you even start? Is this not a job for theContinue reading “Protecting Student Data – 7 Things You Should Be Doing”

Building Relationships With Students – Become The Hero Your Pupils Need

In this inspiring article, Zena Zenonos-Walker explains, in her own words, her process behind building better relationships with students. She discusses her own experience during school, how she got into teaching, and the specific steps she has taken during her teaching career to building positive relationships with her students. My quest to building better relationshipsContinue reading “Building Relationships With Students – Become The Hero Your Pupils Need”

Formative Assessment Tools And Software Buyers’ Guide

Finding the right formative assessment tool is no easy task. Where should you start looking? What questions should you be asking? And what impact should you be expecting from using formative assessment tools? This first-of-a-kind buyers’ guide will provide a route map to analyse the different formative assessment solutions available, and provide a systematic processContinue reading “Formative Assessment Tools And Software Buyers’ Guide”

The 4Cs of lifelong technology

The 4 Cs of education – Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, and Critical Thinking – are well embedded in lots of schools. The principles of each do not always have to incorporate technology, of course, but I am going to focus on that angle as I think it’s really crucial to how students approach technology use beyondContinue reading “The 4Cs of lifelong technology”

Empowering Students With Tech – 4 Step Guide

With so many new technologies claiming to revolutionise learning – AI, machine learning, VR, AR, apps for everything – it can be a struggle to know what to focus on. For me, the focus has got to be on empowering students. If we could find sustainable ways of empowering students to take more interest, moreContinue reading “Empowering Students With Tech – 4 Step Guide”

How to increase usage of EdTech

You’ve decided to buy an exciting piece of EdTech. It’s going to revolutionise your school or at least help a lot. But, how do you ensure people want to use it? Installation of the system is clearly not enough. Often, when new EdTech is introduced, people are asked to change their behaviour. Most humans aren’tContinue reading “How to increase usage of EdTech”

A look At Nigerian EdTech

Education is the bedrock of development in any country. Nigeria is a developing country with a known sector called the “Education Sector”. Its budgetary allocation is currently 6.7% (a standard percentage for any year), which is below average of the estimated allocation for education by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO (27%).  Education technologyContinue reading “A look At Nigerian EdTech”

Resources for creating a love of STEM on a budget

Close your eyes. Picture yourself in the ultimate STEM classroom. What do you see? Maybe you envision a bunch of tables with plenty of room for making and building. Or perhaps you see a row of machines dedicated to fabrication and innovation, things like 3D printers, laser cutters, and screen printers. Along another wall youContinue reading “Resources for creating a love of STEM on a budget”

The free resource you need right now

Hey! I am so excited to share with you a tool for collaboration, connection, creation, and curation. Are you looking for an EdTech tool that you can use to curate all your content and teacher-finds? Maybe you are looking for something to keep all your favorite websites in one place? Perhaps you want to haveContinue reading “The free resource you need right now”

Using GBL to keep students motivated during COVID

Keeping learners engaged and motivated in their learning is a challenge at the best of times. We are constantly competing with social media, video games, and other forms of entertainment for our students’ attention. Add to that a global pandemic that has led to students learning from home, and the competition is even greater. IfContinue reading “Using GBL to keep students motivated during COVID”

Which EdTech to use for recording lessons

At the moment, recording explanations and tutorials are high on the agenda of every teacher up and down the country. Here are some offerings of programs and apps for computers and iPads that may be of use, as well as their pros and their cons in my experience. Looking for more Remote Connectivity and ManagementContinue reading “Which EdTech to use for recording lessons”

How to engage pupils via remote-learning

Learner engagement is tested more in the online classroom – something which has become vastly more common with the global pandemic – than in the traditional classroom. With the latter, students can feel their enthusiasm for learning building by using ‘hands-on’ manipulatives as part of the learning process. With the former, however, the ‘hands-on’ manipulativesContinue reading “How to engage pupils via remote-learning”

Making STEAM a part of the Primary curriculum

The term STEAM is used to describe Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics. Quite often at the Primary level, we do STEAM without even realising! Every Primary teacher knows the benefit of creating a curriculum with cross-curricular themes, and STEAM is no different: it is an interdisciplinary approach to learning. But how best to workContinue reading “Making STEAM a part of the Primary curriculum”

Using EdTech to shape your curriculum roadmap

When I was set the challenge around six months ago to ‘create a curriculum where the use of educational technology is part of the culture of the school’, it seemed like a daunting task. Where to begin? What needs to be included? What are we doing well and what needs to be ditched? Six monthsContinue reading “Using EdTech to shape your curriculum roadmap”

6 resources that add WOW to Science

When it comes to Science subjects, EdTech can provide a route for incredible insight and engagement. Gone are the days where pupils were limited to looking at diagrams of the human body – now, learners can use augmented reality to see recreations of organs working away in real-time. VR can let students look around atContinue reading “6 resources that add WOW to Science”

Tools and tips for creative blended-learning

How do we encourage our pupils to engage, to feel heard and valued, to remain creatively curious at a time where not all provisions remain available to them, whether in the classroom or our local communities?  What if we just stopped and actually used this time, right now, to revisit why we love the creativeContinue reading “Tools and tips for creative blended-learning”

How to smash school problems with Microsoft Teams

Blended and online learning is now the focus of many educators during this difficult time. It’s easy to lose track of the bigger picture and the long-term benefits of using EdTech to extend the classroom (even in normal times). A rushed Microsoft Teams rollout can have adverse outcomes, such as creating more work for teachers,Continue reading “How to smash school problems with Microsoft Teams”

Why Google Docs is perfect for adaptive teaching

Adaptive teaching is one of the most powerful things we can do in our classroom. Having a clear understanding of what our students know and can do, and pushing them to know and do just that little bit more, is what teaching is all about. When this is working well the dialogue between the teacherContinue reading “Why Google Docs is perfect for adaptive teaching”

EdTech that unites the whole school community

I wrote in April about the home learning resources that we had developed as a school. This was when we were in the depths of lockdown and partial opening. We are now as of writing fully open, not knowing whether we are facing individual absence, partial closure or lockdown. There has been much talk of a ‘circuit breaker’,Continue reading “EdTech that unites the whole school community”

Bridging the Maths gap with EdTech

As a parent of children progressing through the education system, I know that their performance is enhanced when their extended family (or whānau here in Aotearoa / New Zealand) play an active part in their learning. Saying this, we want to know that our advice is helpful, our choice of methods are complementary, our useContinue reading “Bridging the Maths gap with EdTech”

10 ways to globalise your classroom

Too many times teachers feel that global education means a new subject. They’ll feel that it’s an add on and something new to learn about. In fact, the best way to bring the world into a classroom is to integrate resources into lessons and everyday teaching. There are many resources out there that promote globalContinue reading “10 ways to globalise your classroom”

8 Great Online Maths Resources

Mathematics as we know it may be ancient, but the way it’s taught is forever-evolving (just ask Jan-Erik Roos). Online maths resources are a brilliant example of this awesome evolution. Add school lockdowns into the mix, and schools really need to know that they’ve got the right online Maths resources to support their teaching –Continue reading “8 Great Online Maths Resources”

3 ways adaptive learning technology enhances education

Analysing data is changing business, healthcare, and now education. This sector has always had the potential to produce huge amounts of data, thanks to the nature of educational content and the amount of time students spend working with materials. Now, as students shift from using print to digital textbooks, adaptive learning technology works behind theContinue reading “3 ways adaptive learning technology enhances education”

7 literacy resources you need to try

There are so many competing literacy resources available – many free of charge, others for a monthly or annual fee – how do you know which one is right for your school’s needs? And, more importantly, when you’ve found a literacy resource that you like the look of, is it any good?

From a few iPads to remote learning glory

Belgrave St. Bartholomew’s Academy had struggled to manually update each of their devices and install different apps or content based on varying student needs. But that was about to change…

6 digital classroom management rules

What is digital classroom management? The key to face to face classroom management is monitoring and consistency. The same applies to digital classroom management – but it is important you set the right rules to build on. Traditionally, in the beginning of the school year, teachers go over rules and expectations for their physical classroom.Continue reading “6 digital classroom management rules”

Improving Mental Health In Schools With Drumming

Importance Of Physical Activity In Student Mental Health Recovery In Schools Last year saw us all separated from our friends and family, from our routines and normal living habits. Whilst these changes have had a huge effect on all of us, none are more affected than our children. Our students have been returning to classContinue reading “Improving Mental Health In Schools With Drumming”

7 ways to perfect parental engagement

Parental engagement is more important than ever before. Schools are having to look for technology solutions to not just keep parents updated with school news, but involve them in their child’s learning. Here, we list 7 parental engagement tools that have received 120 reviews between them.

7 hot resources for kicking off your new term

As schools begin what’s sure to be a challenging and strange year, we’re thrilled to have so many educator reviews to show what resources will be of use in these turbulent times. Below are 7 resources, listed in alphabetical order, that have been raved about by educators. If you use any of these, be sureContinue reading “7 hot resources for kicking off your new term”

6 online wellbeing resources for students

“The coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdown is an unprecedented situation in modern times,” stated the Mental Health Foundation earlier this month. “It is hard to gauge the full impact that the situation is having on children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing.” Thankfully, there’s a growing number of free health and wellbeing resources poppingContinue reading “6 online wellbeing resources for students”

5 resources you loved in the final term

Despite that final term being so surreal and exhausting, hundreds of you still took the time to post resource reviews on EdTech Impact. Thanks so much – it’s fantastic to see that, in the darkest of times, educators take the time to help others find the right EdTech for their schools. We figure that ifContinue reading “5 resources you loved in the final term”

5 of the best tools for home learning

If you’re looking for something to keep your children’s minds in learning-mode, or maybe even catch up on stuff they’ve missed over the last few months, you might want to try a home learning solution. Here are five tools for home learning that have received excellent reviews from educators on EdTech Impact. They’re ranked byContinue reading “5 of the best tools for home learning”

Flipped Classroom – The Ultimate Guide

What Does A Flipped Classroom Mean? Classroom flipping is a student-centred approach to teaching and a form of blended learning that reverses the traditional learning process. In a traditional learning environment, the teacher stands in front of class and delivers the curriculum while the students sit and listen.  The students are then given homework toContinue reading “Flipped Classroom – The Ultimate Guide”

5 Best Science Resources For Primary Schools

Online science resources provide primary schools and teachers with a wealth of high-quality digital content to support the delivery of science-based learning in their classrooms.  These science resources aim to engage students through a mix of media, real-world context, and innovative lesson plans.  Here are the highest rated science resources for primary schools listed onContinue reading “5 Best Science Resources For Primary Schools”

Virtual Parents Evenings – A Guide & The Tools To Help You

Confrontational parents, staying in school until late, parent no-shows, overrun appointments, queues of impatient parents…Ahh, who could forget the joys of face-to-face parents evenings…

7 Best Health & Wellbeing Primary School Tools & Resources

Here are 7 of the highest rated health and wellbeing tools and resources on EdTech Impact. These online resources provide primary schools with an excellent range of tools to help engage students, and develop their understanding around mental health, wellbeing and physical activity. 1. GoBubble GoBubble is a fantastic social media platform for kids thatContinue reading “7 Best Health & Wellbeing Primary School Tools & Resources”

Behaviour Management in Schools – 5 Tips For Teachers

Every teacher will at some point in their career face challenges when tackling behaviour management in schools. This article was written by a teacher named Elena Diaz and it offers some fantastic tips to help you to form a solid behaviour management strategy.

Protecting Student Data – 7 Things You Should Be Doing

Let’s be honest, data privacy and protecting student data is a big deal, we all know that. But when it comes to actually putting measures in place to safeguard your students against potential privacy violations, it can feel like a can of worms.  Where do you even start? Is this not a job for theContinue reading “Protecting Student Data – 7 Things You Should Be Doing”

Building Relationships With Students – Become The Hero Your Pupils Need

In this inspiring article, Zena Zenonos-Walker explains, in her own words, her process behind building better relationships with students. She discusses her own experience during school, how she got into teaching, and the specific steps she has taken during her teaching career to building positive relationships with her students. My quest to building better relationshipsContinue reading “Building Relationships With Students – Become The Hero Your Pupils Need”

The 4Cs of lifelong technology

The 4 Cs of education – Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, and Critical Thinking – are well embedded in lots of schools. The principles of each do not always have to incorporate technology, of course, but I am going to focus on that angle as I think it’s really crucial to how students approach technology use beyondContinue reading “The 4Cs of lifelong technology”

Empowering Students With Tech – 4 Step Guide

With so many new technologies claiming to revolutionise learning – AI, machine learning, VR, AR, apps for everything – it can be a struggle to know what to focus on. For me, the focus has got to be on empowering students. If we could find sustainable ways of empowering students to take more interest, moreContinue reading “Empowering Students With Tech – 4 Step Guide”

How to increase usage of EdTech

You’ve decided to buy an exciting piece of EdTech. It’s going to revolutionise your school or at least help a lot. But, how do you ensure people want to use it? Installation of the system is clearly not enough. Often, when new EdTech is introduced, people are asked to change their behaviour. Most humans aren’tContinue reading “How to increase usage of EdTech”

A look At Nigerian EdTech

Education is the bedrock of development in any country. Nigeria is a developing country with a known sector called the “Education Sector”. Its budgetary allocation is currently 6.7% (a standard percentage for any year), which is below average of the estimated allocation for education by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO (27%).  Education technologyContinue reading “A look At Nigerian EdTech”

Resources for creating a love of STEM on a budget

Close your eyes. Picture yourself in the ultimate STEM classroom. What do you see? Maybe you envision a bunch of tables with plenty of room for making and building. Or perhaps you see a row of machines dedicated to fabrication and innovation, things like 3D printers, laser cutters, and screen printers. Along another wall youContinue reading “Resources for creating a love of STEM on a budget”

The free resource you need right now

Hey! I am so excited to share with you a tool for collaboration, connection, creation, and curation. Are you looking for an EdTech tool that you can use to curate all your content and teacher-finds? Maybe you are looking for something to keep all your favorite websites in one place? Perhaps you want to haveContinue reading “The free resource you need right now”

Using GBL to keep students motivated during COVID

Keeping learners engaged and motivated in their learning is a challenge at the best of times. We are constantly competing with social media, video games, and other forms of entertainment for our students’ attention. Add to that a global pandemic that has led to students learning from home, and the competition is even greater. IfContinue reading “Using GBL to keep students motivated during COVID”

Which EdTech to use for recording lessons

At the moment, recording explanations and tutorials are high on the agenda of every teacher up and down the country. Here are some offerings of programs and apps for computers and iPads that may be of use, as well as their pros and their cons in my experience. Looking for more Remote Connectivity and ManagementContinue reading “Which EdTech to use for recording lessons”

How to engage pupils via remote-learning

Learner engagement is tested more in the online classroom – something which has become vastly more common with the global pandemic – than in the traditional classroom. With the latter, students can feel their enthusiasm for learning building by using ‘hands-on’ manipulatives as part of the learning process. With the former, however, the ‘hands-on’ manipulativesContinue reading “How to engage pupils via remote-learning”

Making STEAM a part of the Primary curriculum

The term STEAM is used to describe Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics. Quite often at the Primary level, we do STEAM without even realising! Every Primary teacher knows the benefit of creating a curriculum with cross-curricular themes, and STEAM is no different: it is an interdisciplinary approach to learning. But how best to workContinue reading “Making STEAM a part of the Primary curriculum”

Using EdTech to shape your curriculum roadmap

When I was set the challenge around six months ago to ‘create a curriculum where the use of educational technology is part of the culture of the school’, it seemed like a daunting task. Where to begin? What needs to be included? What are we doing well and what needs to be ditched? Six monthsContinue reading “Using EdTech to shape your curriculum roadmap”

6 resources that add WOW to Science

When it comes to Science subjects, EdTech can provide a route for incredible insight and engagement. Gone are the days where pupils were limited to looking at diagrams of the human body – now, learners can use augmented reality to see recreations of organs working away in real-time. VR can let students look around atContinue reading “6 resources that add WOW to Science”

Tools and tips for creative blended-learning

How do we encourage our pupils to engage, to feel heard and valued, to remain creatively curious at a time where not all provisions remain available to them, whether in the classroom or our local communities?  What if we just stopped and actually used this time, right now, to revisit why we love the creativeContinue reading “Tools and tips for creative blended-learning”

How to smash school problems with Microsoft Teams

Blended and online learning is now the focus of many educators during this difficult time. It’s easy to lose track of the bigger picture and the long-term benefits of using EdTech to extend the classroom (even in normal times). A rushed Microsoft Teams rollout can have adverse outcomes, such as creating more work for teachers,Continue reading “How to smash school problems with Microsoft Teams”

Why Google Docs is perfect for adaptive teaching

Adaptive teaching is one of the most powerful things we can do in our classroom. Having a clear understanding of what our students know and can do, and pushing them to know and do just that little bit more, is what teaching is all about. When this is working well the dialogue between the teacherContinue reading “Why Google Docs is perfect for adaptive teaching”

EdTech that unites the whole school community

I wrote in April about the home learning resources that we had developed as a school. This was when we were in the depths of lockdown and partial opening. We are now as of writing fully open, not knowing whether we are facing individual absence, partial closure or lockdown. There has been much talk of a ‘circuit breaker’,Continue reading “EdTech that unites the whole school community”

10 ways to globalise your classroom

Too many times teachers feel that global education means a new subject. They’ll feel that it’s an add on and something new to learn about. In fact, the best way to bring the world into a classroom is to integrate resources into lessons and everyday teaching. There are many resources out there that promote globalContinue reading “10 ways to globalise your classroom”

8 Great Online Maths Resources

Mathematics as we know it may be ancient, but the way it’s taught is forever-evolving (just ask Jan-Erik Roos). Online maths resources are a brilliant example of this awesome evolution. Add school lockdowns into the mix, and schools really need to know that they’ve got the right online Maths resources to support their teaching –Continue reading “8 Great Online Maths Resources”

7 literacy resources you need to try

There are so many competing literacy resources available – many free of charge, others for a monthly or annual fee – how do you know which one is right for your school’s needs? And, more importantly, when you’ve found a literacy resource that you like the look of, is it any good?

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  • Set up to increase transparency within the EdTech marketplace
  • Over 1,500 global solutions independently evaluated
  • Helping 20,000 educators make informed choices each month

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