7 Best Health & Wellbeing Primary School Tools & Resources

Here are 7 of the highest rated health and wellbeing tools and resources on EdTech Impact.

These online resources provide primary schools with an excellent range of tools to help engage students, and develop their understanding around mental health, wellbeing and physical activity.

1. GoBubble

GoBubble is a fantastic social media platform for kids that rewards kindness and positive collaboration. Pupils can communicate and collaborate with classmates and other GoBubble classes around the world in a safer, healthier, and kinder digital environment to prepare them for a life they will inevitably lead online.

What’s great about this tool is that all content that’s shared between the kids is monitored by GoBubble, which saves time for teachers while safeguarding students online.

2. iMoves

With over 1,800 lessons to get kids moving, iMoves helps teachers develop their students resilience, mental wellbeing and positivity through physical exercise to help kids become brighter, healthier and happier.

From brain breaks to complete lessons, iMoves can plug into your school’s unique needs and provide your primary school with some super fun ways to get your pupils moving, including air guitar dancing and chair yoga! iMoves extensive lessons cover a broad range of subjects including, PE, maths, english, science and humanities.

3. Striver

Striver is a wonderfully simple and easy-to-use resource that aims to improve pupils long-term physical and mental wellbeing. There are over 250 lessons available and complemented by 6 wellbeing units.

Striver helps develop awareness in a wide range of important areas such as, physical activity, mindfulness, yoga and nutrition. This P.E and wellbeing resource is packaged up into a super user-friendly platform that makes delivering P.E accessible for teachers from all backgrounds.

4. Moki

Moki is an activity tracking wristband that monitors pupils’ physical activity and encourages an active curriculum in schools. The water resistant fitness tracker records the number of steps performed by the wearer, and can also detect and measure levels of moderate and vigorous physical activity.

The wristband connects to a simple to use app with a user-friendly dashboard where you can monitor all activity. The app also gives you instant feedback and valuable insight to help you identify the activities and initiatives that are most effective in your school.

5. MoovKids

Created with the belief that early exposure to movement results in healthier bodies and minds, MoovKids supports meaningful movement for early learners and those with learning difficulties.

The structured twenty-lesson curriculum focuses on movement activities for primary-aged children to improve physical self confidence while boosting energy levels and focus. Teachers also have access to a wealth of useful instructional information and a dashboard to monitor teaching progress.

6. iSpace Wellbeing Curriculum

iSpace is a complete wellbeing curriculum that aims to help children aged 4-13 embrace conversations about emotions, mental health and wellbeing. The complete curriculum solution offers a preventative approach to mental health by educating students on who and how to ask for help.

Teacher training, ready-to-go lesson plans, and supporting toolkits are all included to help schools tackle and teach the subject of mental health with complete confidence.

7. Nipinthebud.org

Nipinthebud.org uses short films and fact sheets to educate primary school teachers about the various forms of child mental health issues, and how to spot them before they become bigger issues later in the child’s life.

A wide range of training resources are available to help teachers recognise and respond to potential mental health conditions in children. By using short-films, the resources are able to illustrate common behaviours shared among those children with early signs of mental health disorders, while giving teachers the information they need to support them.

For a full list of all the highest rated health and wellbeing tools and resources for your school, head over to our Health & Wellbeing category page.

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