10 ways to globalise your classroom

Too many times teachers feel that global education means a new subject. They’ll feel that it’s an add on and something new to learn about. In fact, the best way to bring the world into a classroom is to integrate resources into lessons and everyday teaching.

There are many resources out there that promote global perspectives for the classroom, but it is finding rich tasks and resources that can work across curriculums that teachers are unfamiliar with. Let me help you with ten ways you could globalise your classroom.

1. The Global Write

The Global Write is a FREE weekly writing experience for all ages. A place where learners can write about the world with the world.

Global Education

With a weekly prompt, learners from all over the world can submit their writing and be provided with an authentic global audience and an opportunity to be showcased as part of weekly ‘Global Write’ Champions Corner.

Once learners have written their weekly writing piece, they can publish to innovative tools such Flipgrid, Buncee or Wakelet. These tools will allow for creativity, unique individualised learning styles and the chance for learners to present to a global audience.

2. Belouga

Belouga was founded in 2017 with the mission of making education impactful and accessible on a global scale through peer-to-peer and classroom connection, communication and collaboration.

Realizing the rapidly changing landscape of technology and education, the team looked to create a central location, which takes the heavy lifting out of global education, and provides teachers and students with a personalized learning experience through community and content without sacrificing creativity or curriculum needs.

3. Global Story Books

There are many rich picture story books that teach a global perspective. Books such a Malala, Ziba Came on a Boat and A True Person are just examples of the many resources available. Websites such as storyboxlibrary.com.au, www.getepic.com and www.timeforkids.com are my go-to sites to access online global reading resources.

Global Education

4. Kid World Citizen

Becky Morales is the creator of Kid World Citizen. She developed the platform to be able to share the educational activities that she had used in her classroom and at home with her 4 children to increase global and cultural awareness.

Global Education

On Kid World Citizen you will find games, celebrations, recipes, multicultural art projects, foreign films, world culture literature and so much more.

5. Global Artists

Joel Bergner is a global artist, educator and social change advocate. His artwork can be used in the classroom as writing prompts, art projects and research about community projects changing the lives of vulnerable societies.

Global Education

His website tells us how Joel has traveled from the streets of Brooklyn to Syrian refugee camps; from the favelas of Brazil to rural Ugandan settlements. He has collaborated with youth, families and artists across 30 countries to create murals that reflect the resilience and stories of their communities.

6. Flipgrid Grid Pals

Flipgrid empowers social learning in PreK to PhD classrooms around the world. Grid Pals is an initiative that teachers can connect with fellow educators around the world. Flipgrid also has an amazing discovery centre that is full of resources created by educators all over the world.

Global Education

7. Twitter

Twitter is the home of global educators. To build a professional network, Twitter is the social media platform you need. You can follow education leaders, participate in Twitter chats related to educational topics, and you can access the professional development for free by connecting with like-minded educators to collaborate with. Platforms such as Facebook, YouTube and Instagram also have similar benefits, but Twitter is where you will have instant access to a global education network.

Global Education

8. Buncee

The Buncee team promotes how we all learn in a different way and at a different pace. They offer multiple ways to help students visualize, voice, and communicate their learning – helping build their confidence and engagement.

Global Education

The use of Buncee Boards allows for collaboration between classrooms, schools locally and globally. Buncee is a creative tool that allows students to individualise their work and share it with others inside and outside of their classroom.

Buncee can also be app-smashed with other applications, such as Flipgrid, Seesaw, Google Classroom, Wakelet and so many more.

9. Wakelet

Wakelet will allow you to save, organise and share content from across the web. You can then collaborate on global projects, resources for professional development and organise bookmarks. Connect with others on group collections to share ideas, inspiration and knowledge. You can also share your collections with just a single link.

Global Education

10. Collaborate, Connect, Communicate with classes around the world

If there is any way you can globalise your classroom, it is to connect and communicate with classrooms locally or globally. This can be done through Skype, Google Meets or Zoom, but joining a global project gives students an authentic audience that they can learn from, and participate in learning that has a real purpose. Pen pals are a great way to start a global connection.

Whatever way that you choose to connect or collaborate, know that you are providing an opportunity for your students to discuss global issues, communicate beyond the classroom walls, solve problems and use technology in a way that enhances engagement and digital citizenship.

The best advice I can leave you with is. Don’t be afraid to try something new and think outside the box. This is what the students need to think critically and creatively; to develop skills to be our future changemakers.

Looking for more global classroom resources? Check out our list of the Best Online Resources, as rated by educators on EdTech Impact.

Bronwyn Joyce
Educational Leader, Visionary & Teacher – I Empower educators to be innovators & Ss to be the change makers of the world. Founder of #OGC & #theglobalwrite. Find her on Twitter at @JoyceBronwyn.

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