8 Great Online Maths Resources

Mathematics as we know it may be ancient, but the way it’s taught is forever-evolving (just ask Jan-Erik Roos). Online maths resources are a brilliant example of this awesome evolution.

Add school lockdowns into the mix, and schools really need to know that they’ve got the right online Maths resources to support their teaching – in school and at home.

We know that educators place high value on recommendations from their peers (the whole driving force behind EdTech Impact, no less), so we’ve compiled 8 online Maths resources (listed alphabetically) that our community loves.

If you want to be able to filter by age, impact and price – visit our full online Maths resources list – updated every week.

So Here we go, Here are 8 Great Online Maths Resources

Big Maths – Mastery of Maths via simple learning steps

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4.75/5 from 4 reviews

Could your school benefit from a detailed pedagogy and an online maths resource which reduces teacher workload via simplified planning, accurate online assessment (zero marking), and a collection of thousands of resources?

If you answered yes to the above, then you’ll love Big Maths.

Seeking to simplify the Primary Maths curriculum into a collection of simple learning steps that encourage enjoyment, confidence, and mastery of the subject, Big Maths is one of those online maths resources that very much live up to its name.

“I feel it’s invaluable in terms of formative assessment,” remarks Ysgol Treganna Junior dept Maths coordinator Alan Thomas-Williams.

“It gives the school a strategic and developing framework of methods that graduate with comprehension from one to the next. It allows for both individual and group tracking and thus planning.

It keeps skills that were previously covered once a year in the minds of pupils on a weekly basis. It helps engagement. It has improved results.

The team at Big Maths are incredibly helpful and offer guidance whenever I’ve needed it.”

ConquerMaths.com – Improves grades in 92% of learners

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4.15/5 from 20 reviews

Suited to all ages and abilities, help your learners conquer Maths via adaptive teaching and EdTech-aided assessment. Bett Award-winners ConquerMaths saves teachers time, personalises learning, and improves grades in 92% of learners.

Schools gain access to video tutorials that provide comprehensive National Curriculum coverage with 1,200+ lessons for students from Primary through GCSE and A-level.

Heidi Hersant, coordinator of Mathematics at Metropolitan School Frankfurt, explains:

“ConquerMaths is an additional platform for students to practice what is learned in the lesson and is a natural venue for the generation that loves computers.

The students have books and worksheets and the ConquerMaths is yet another tool, so at the end of the day, the student has multiple learning strategies and can be successful.

The students also can go back and revise with ease, become confident with immediate feedback. Parents are also pleased to have something to monitor progress and time spend learning, which is clearly tracked.”

DoodleMaths – Build confidence via 10 minutes per day

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4.9/5 from 13 reviews

With an attitude of “motivate the challenged, challenge the motivated,” DoodleMaths is an adaptive learning and online maths resource that builds the confidence of 4-14 year olds by providing a personalised work programme tailored to each pupil’s individual strengths and weaknesses.

Source: https://fuelledbylatte.com/

Designed for a sweet 10 minutes of use per day, DoodleMaths is the perfect homework tool for catching up or getting ahead in Maths, with the team confident that teachers know that every child is receiving work at just the right level for them.

“This is, by far, the best Maths app that we have used,” praises Petra Sutton, deputy head and Maths & assessment coordinator at Bramingham Primary School.

“It is easy and the support that we have had when there have been issues has been very good indeed. Children who have used this regularly have demonstrated greater reasoning and arithmetic skills.”

Mathigon – The textbook of the future

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4.3/5 from 14 reviews

With a unique content format that makes Maths more interactive than ever before, and a virtual personal tutor providing real-time feedback, Mathigon declare their resource to be the “textbook of the future”.

Here, students have to actively engage at every step – through problem solving, critical thinking, and creativity.

What’s more, Mathigon is completely free-to-use, and works on all browsers and mobile devices.

“I like that it is authentic and provides deep and complex understanding of math concepts in an interesting and engaging manner,” observes Sue Ausman of Mt. Olive Elementary.

“My gifted students love the interactivity of several links and the puzzles which are very open ended. It is easier for me to use the website to demonstrate math concepts than to try and show students. The website is laid out very efficiently.”

Maths-Whizz – Automatically target weaknesses with personalised lessons

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4.4/5 from 30 reviews

If your Maths pupils are aged between 5-13, this award-winning online Maths resource is well worth a look.

By assessing every student’s mathematical ability, automatically targeting weaknesses with personalised lessons, Maths-Whizz offers individualised learning and guarantees progress, while the assigning and marking of lessons, alongside real-time progress reporting, reduces teacher-workload.

“It is reasonably priced, user friendly for both students and staff and well supported by the Maths-Whizz team if there are any problems,” says Pearson Award-winning teacher Debra Higginson of Nascot Wood Junior School.

“[Maths-Whizz] stretches the most able, giving them opportunities to move forward. Supports the least able by filling in the gaps. We use Maths-Whizz as homework for our children: it is prepared at the correct level for each child and delivered and marked.”

Sparx Maths – 1000s of carefully-crafted questions and video tutorials

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4.75/5 from 6 reviews

The Sparx Maths team pride themselves on providing a complete solution that improves students’ progress in Maths, underpinned by AI-driven adaptive learning technology.

Ideal for lessons and homework alike, this online maths resources platform saves teachers time by providing fully-resourced lessons, the ability to pause and progress students’ tasks during each session, and real-time insights into class and student progress.

“Sparx has transformed my teaching and the engagement in Maths of the students at our school,” declares Coombeshead Academy deputy team leader Jo Williams.

“More students are doing maths outside of the classroom – that can only be a good thing! I have more time to support students rather than just plan their lesson, [and] less time [is] needed to get resources for lessons.”

Sumdog Maths – Build Maths fluency through game-based learning

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4.9/5 from 15 reviews

Why would you not want to use game-based learning to build Maths fluency? Sumdog Maths is an online maths resource that encourages regular practice, high accuracy and quick mental Maths through the power of positive reinforcement.

This ensures that pupils stay on task, learn more effectively, and are invested in their own success. Schools are able to join the platform free-of-charge, with optional subscriptions unlocking additional functionality and extra games.

“I have used the program for years and found it works well for my gifted students,” commends Brooks Global Studies teacher Sandra Lubchenko.

“It is different from what they are doing in the regular classroom. The students love the national, state and county competitions, and now that I can create my own it increases excitement. I think allowing the coin rewards makes it more interactive for teacher and student.”

Timely Practice – 5-20 minutes of personalised retrieval practice per lesson

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4.35/5 from 5 reviews

Timely Practice helps teachers to ensure that almost all Maths teaching becomes deeply embedded, yet instantly retrievable, in low-attaining Maths learner’s memories. Their expert team manages this by scheduling personalised retrieval practice for 5-20 minutes per Maths lesson.

“Timely Practice has revolutionized the way I teach low attaining students,” commends Kirsty Behan, a Maths team leader at Parliament Hill School.

“It has not only improved results, but students have reported enjoying completely their timely practice each lesson, knowing how much it has helped them learn and, often for the first time, given them some confidence in their mathematical knowledge.”

Want more quality Maths Resources for your school? Check out our full list of the Best Maths Resources on EdTech Impact.

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