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Tutor Compare

Tutor Compare

Tutor Compare

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What is Tutor Compare?

From Maths to Science to History: Students often need tutoring in more than one subject. We compare tutors that help with all school subjects so add a range of classes to your child's weekly plan.

Thanks to a detailed analysis of your needs, we'll find you the perfect tutor. Whether your tutor is a university student, teacher or works in their specific field - we find the best match in our tutor database!

Every student is different. Our tutors understand this and create a tailor-made learning plan for your child. Use our free comparison tool to find the best tutor to fit your needs.

Tutor Compare Pricing

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  • Set up to increase transparency within the EdTech marketplace
  • Over 1,500 global solutions independently evaluated
  • Helping 20,000 educators make informed choices each month

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