What is Staff Absence Management - SAM?
Staff Absence Management, or SAM as it’s better known, is online innovative staff absence management software developed specifically for schools and MATs. It was developed by an ex School Business Manager to tackle the challenges schools face. SAM is now the leading education absence management tool, supporting hundreds of schools.
Tailored to your school, SAM monitors, reports and manages all aspects of staff absence including sickness, paid and unpaid leave.
SAM was built for the education sector, so it works on your term dates, allowing for Inset Days. It runs against your absence triggers and provides customisable document templates and best practice documents written by education HR specialists.
SAM tells you when staff hit triggers, when tasks are due, it centralises all documents and quickly provides reports for your Leadership Team, Governors and Trustees. If you are a MAT, you can also see an overview for the Trust and comparison by school with our MAT Dashboard and Report Wizard.
It allows you to keep track of TOIL and Term Time +, record Return to Work documents and submit them to the employee for approval, all via the secure online Employee Portal.
With SAM on the case, you can reduce costs, administration and improve continuity of teaching in the classroom.
SAM can link with many Management Information Systems, we recommend a year of historical data is pulled into SAM to enable comparisons to be made within the reporting suite. Set up is quick and we set up SAM in line with your Attendance Policy, employee working patters and contractual arrangements.
School must create the account.
Staff Absence Management - SAM Pricing
Paid Subscription
The rate for a SAM licence is £1 per employee per month.