What is Sparx Maths?
In the classroom and at home, Sparx Maths is a complete solution that improves students’ progress in maths through personalised learning and reduces teacher workload.
Teachers receive fully resourced lessons, the ability to pause and progress students' tasks during the lesson, and real-time insights into class and student progress. Sparx provides detailed lesson outlines, supported by thousands of carefully crafted questions and video tutorials – covering the KS3 and GCSE curricula – that encourage independent learning.
Students receive personalised homework which is challenging but achievable for them, improving their progress and attainment in maths. Homework is aligned to the scheme of learning (SoL) the school is following and is automatically set and marked every week.
And, parents/carers are automatically engaged through a weekly email which links to a video tutorial that they can watch, empowering them to help their child with homework.
After the implementation of Sparx Maths:
● Homework completion rates soar; in one case from under 20% to over 95%
● Students make 65% more progress using Sparx
● Disadvantaged students make equal progress to non-disadvantaged students – halting the attainment gap
● Teachers save on average 5 hours per week (based on 10 classes per week)
Recommended Usage
40 minutes per week minimum
Educational Impact
Students will need an internet connection for homework. If you plan to use Sparx Maths in school, you will also need access to the internet and devices for each student.
Customers on the four week trial will be provided with two informational handouts – one for the teacher and one for the student – which will explain how the system works.
Sparx Maths Pricing
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Sparx Maths Reviews
from 16 Verified Reviews