What is Quizlet?
Quizlet is a revision tool to help every student learn any subject or topic with confidence. Quizlet improves motivation and increase exam results by providing access to a database of millions of pre-created study sets on thousands of topics - created by teachers, lecturers and other students. Students and teachers can create their own custom study sets.
Quizlet reduces workload by providing different ways to review the content — from flashcards and timed games, to adaptive questions and practice tests — Quizlet is scientifically proven to improve recall through individual practice or collaborative learning - in school, at home or on the go with the mobile app.
Quizlet's new 'explanations' show you step-by-step approaches to solve tough problems. Find solutions in 64 subjects, all written and verified by experts.
Recommended Usage
Any internet connected computer, Android or Apple device.
Upgrade to Quizlet Teacher to visually track your child's studying on Quizlet and see which terms they need to review.
Quizlet Pricing
Free Version Free Trial Paid Subscription
30 day free trial available.
Upgrade to Quizlet Plus for teachers to get access to pupil progress tracking, multiple choice options, custom teams and audio for Quizlet Live, unlimited number of classes, no ads and more.