What is School App for Parents?
School App for Parents provides parent engagement apps to over 600 schools across the UK. In the app is the school calendar (can automatically link to Outlook and Google calendars so no extra admin), the news (automatically link to your twitter account), an information section that can link out to websites and attach in the important school policies and a messages section where unlimited number of messages can be sent to all users who have downloaded the app.
The benefits that the school will get are increasing parental engagement (see survey results), reduced incoming calls and saving money on printing and texting.
Putting all the important information in the most convenient place - their smartphone - will transform your school communications.
Available for apple and android smartphones.
Recommended Usage
2 minutes a day to send messages and check the app is up to date.
Educational Impact
Internet to access the content management system where the app is managed from.
2 days
Unlimited webinar training for unlimited number of administrators.
ChatBot during office hours
School must create the account.
School App for Parents Pricing
Paid Subscription
£400 for primaries and £500 for secondaries. Annual subscription that includes unlimited messages, unlimited downloads, a 4’ x 2 ft’ all weather outdoor banner,A5 promotional leaflets, a digital launch pack and all training and customer service. The price quoted above does not include VAT.
School App for Parents Reviews
from 63 Verified Reviews