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What is Olex.AI?

Olex.AI is a Bett award-winning platform transforming the way schools, teachers, and students approach English writing, feedback and assessment. Our innovative tools harness the power of generative AI to enhance teaching and learning, making the process more efficient, engaging, and inclusive.

Key Features

  • Lightning-Fast Feedback
    Mark an entire class's essays with personal, detailed feedback in under 2 minutes.
  • Multilingual Support
    Automatically translate feedback into any student's native language.
  • Customisable Marking Criteria
    Teachers can set up nationally recognised rubrics and apply custom school frameworks.
  • Class-Level Insights
    Identify common strengths and weaknesses across all essays to inform instruction.
  • Automated Lesson Planning
    Generate targeted lesson plans to address class-wide challenges.
  • AI-Powered Visual Storytelling
    Create beautiful, AI-generated illustrations for each child's writing, turning their work into personalised StoryBooks with just a single click of a button for the entire class.

"Thank you for all you are doing to support society's most vulnerable children. We are indebted."
Trystan Williams, Executive Headteacher, Venturers Trust

Why Choose Olex.AI?

  • Improve Teacher Workload & Wellbeing
    Save hundreds of hours with high-quality, AI-generated marking and feedback, reducing grading time from 8 hours to just 4 minutes.
  • Automate Marking & Moderation
    Ensure consistent standardised marking across teachers, classes, and schools, simplifying the moderation process with AI-driven feedback.
  • Enhance Student Engagement & Motivation
    Inspire and motivate students with beautifully illustrated versions of their writing, leveraging AI tools like Typing, Speech-to-Text, and AI Handwriting Recognition.
  • Support Accessibility & SEND
    Empower all pupils to focus on their strengths, support EHCP goals, and ensure inclusivity without stigma using custom criteria for unique learning needs.
  • Simplify AI Tools for Teachers
    Access powerful, one-click AI tools that simplify the adoption of AI benefits without the need to learn complex prompts, keeping teachers in full control.

"The programme really inspired our reluctant writers to expand their descriptions further than ever before. The AI-generated feedback and images encouraged them to engage deeply with their own and each other's work."
Joanna Oxenham, Lead Teacher of English, Venturers Academy

Transform Your School with Olex.AI

Join the growing number of forward-thinking schools leveraging Olex.AI to enhance English writing instruction, reduce teacher workload, and inspire students like never before.

"Using Olex.AI has transformed the way my students engage with their writing and feedback. They truly feel like authors, proud of their published pieces and the illustrated 'Imaginator' images."
Rebecca Griffiths, English Lead Teacher, A British International School

Recommended Usage

Use regularly for in-class delivery or formative assessment.


Educational Impact

reduce teacher workload
improve teaching efficiency
improve teacher wellbeing
build student knowledge

Case Studies


Age Range
8-10, 11-13, 14-16, 17-18

Auto MarkingUniversal SearchInteractive QuestionsClass TrackingDevice AgnosticProgress DashboardCurriculum AlignedStudent AssessmentGcse MathsGcse EnglishSatsKs2 EnglishKs2 MathsIntervention GroupsBooster GroupsPlenary ResourcesHomework ResourcesDistance LearningHome LearningVirtual LearningIndependent LearningDisengaged LearnersAiModerationStandardisationEal TranslationGive Student FeedbackLesson PlansCpdInterventions


Robust features

Internet - High Bandwidth
Desktop - Mac
Desktop - Windows
Desktop - Chromebook
Desktop - Linux
Mobile - iPhone
Mobile - iPad
Mobile - Windows
Mobile - Android

None other than a standard desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone device. A user is able to register on the website with an email address and password to gain access to the platform.

Set Up

The product can be used immediately following login.

In Person
Live Online

We always encourage educators to book a demonstration with us, so we can identify your areas of need.

When joining, we want to be part of your journey to ensure your intent is realised. As an introduction, we meet with Senior Leaders to develop the roadmap, before offering full staff training virtually or in-person. We then like to follow up with a data-review to discuss implementation so far, value add and what happens next.

*Additional sessions can booked with flexbility, and at your convenience to ensure best practice.

Knowledge Base
Phone Support

In addition to these elements we also have a Live Helpdesk ready to take your queries and questions.

Home Learning
Parent Access

Anyone can create the account.

View home learning page

MathsEnglishSATsMaths GCSEEnglish GCSEMaths ResourcesEnglish ResourcesAIInnovationSENDModerationTeacher Assessment FrameworkLesson PlansEALCPDInterventionsDigital StrategyMarking

Olex.AI Pricing

Pricing Plans

Free Trial
Paid Subscription

Olex.AI pricing starts from £0.5 / per-pupil

Primary Schools:

> £0.50 - £1.50 per pupil/month. The lowest price is calculated for a school with 4 form entry.

Secondary Schools:

> £0.50 - £1.25 per pupil/month. The lowest price is calculated for a school with 8 form entry.

Discounts are available for central procurement through Multi Academy Trusts

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free trial
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Olex.AI Reviews

4.8 out of 5

from 18 Verified Reviews

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  • Set up to increase transparency within the EdTech marketplace
  • Over 1,500 global solutions independently evaluated
  • Helping 20,000 educators make informed choices each month

Read more about our mission.
