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Muse Wellbeing

Muse Wellbeing

Muse Wellbeing

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What is Muse Wellbeing?

Muse Wellbeing is a comprehensive curriculum designed to support the emotional, social, and physical development of primary school students. Aligned with UK statutory guidelines for PSHE and RSE, Muse offers a complete package for schools to deliver high-quality education in key areas such as mental health, positive relationships, digital citizenship and global awareness.

With 216 ready-to-use weekly lesson plans for Years 1 to 6, the curriculum is designed by UK-qualified teachers to make implementation quick, easy and flexible. Each lesson comes with well-crafted resources, ensuring that educators can focus on teaching rather than planning. By addressing essential life skills, Muse Wellbeing helps foster resilience, empathy and a sense of community among students.

The curriculum is in beta development and currently available for free, giving schools full access to a robust PSHE and RSE framework with zero cost. The programme is continually refined based on teacher feedback, ensuring it remains effective and relevant to today’s classroom needs.

Recommended Usage

It is recommended that schools integrate Muse Wellbeing into their weekly curriculum, dedicating at least one session per week to wellbeing activities..


Age Range
5-7, 8-10, 11-13

Mental Health ResourcesEmotional Resilience Activities


Moderate features

Terms of Service
Privacy Policy

Internet - Low Bandwidth
Internet - High Bandwidth
Desktop - Mac
Desktop - Windows
Desktop - Chromebook
Desktop - Linux
Mobile - iPhone
Mobile - iPad
Mobile - Windows
Mobile - Android

Muse Wellbeing requires a stable internet connection and is compatible with most modern web browsers. No additional software installation is necessary.

Set Up

Signing up to the Muse Wellbeing curriculum takes no logner than 5 minutes, with complete access available on initial login


Muse Wellbeing offers clear and structured documentation to help educators easily integrate its curriculum into their teaching practices. Each lesson comes with detailed written plans, designed for straightforward implementation, allowing teachers to focus on delivering lessons without the need for extensive training.


Users of Muse Wellbeing have access to a dedicated support team available via email. The support team is equipped to assist with technical issues, provide guidance on platform features, and offer advice on best practices for implementation. Additionally, an online help center with FAQs is available for self-service support.

Home Learning
Parent Access

School must create the account.

Schools are encouraged to share logins with parents to foster a collaborative approach to student well-being and learning. By providing access to the Muse Wellbeing platform, parents can view the lesson plans and resources their children are using in class, allowing them to stay informed about the topics being covered. This transparency helps parents reinforce key concepts at home, creating a consistent learning environment.

Muse Wellbeing Pricing

Pricing Plans

Free Version

Muse Wellbeing pricing starts from £0 /

Muse Wellbeing currently offers its comprehensive curriculum free of charge to schools during its beta development phase. This allows educators to access and implement the full range of lesson plans and resources without any cost.

Optimised for a quick response
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