What is Learning Challenge Curriculum?
The learning challenge curriculum is a website that has been designed to help you create your own bespoke curriculum but take advantage of the numerous resources that have been produced to support you.
The curriculum is built on sequencing knowledge and skills (to include substantive and disciplinary knowledge) and building on prior learning so that each subject creates a narrative. Each school needs to be clear about what they want their pupils to be able to do, know and remember by the time they leave your school. Much of this information will be drawn from the National Curriculum (whilst acknowledging the freedoms afforded academies) but will also need to consider the school’s context, including issues arising from pupils’ cultural capital and the locality of the school.
We have used an enquiry-approach methodology, where possible, so that questions are predominant in most of the units produced. To this end, we hope that pupils’ will be curious and motivated to learn more.
High Quality
It effectively provides a sequence of learning for these three subjects using the National Curriculum as its reference points. These sequences are then supported by activities which effectively helps staff to focus on the main learning in each of the subjects and to create tasks and activities that will help pupils know more and remember more.
Substantive and Disciplinary Knowledge
We have endeavored to create a narrative for each subject with knowledge being built on progressively as pupils move through the school. This knowledge needs to take account of ‘disciplinary knowledge’ as well as ‘substantive knowledge’ so that pupils are supported not just to ‘know and remember’ but also ‘to do.’
Saves Time
All units have full schemes of work covering the Science, History or Geography element, with internet links to add to the learning. It guarantees coverage of the National Curriculum in Science, History, Geography, Art and Design Technology and ensures you are teaching substantive and disciplinary knowledge.
It is an annual subscription and includes access to History, Geography and Science units of learning including overviews and planning, end of unit assessments, knowledge organisers, subject leader information, an Art curriculum, a DT curriculum, Vocabulary overviews and pupil voice templates.
Users need a connection to the website and they can download the content t use at a later date or off line.
Downloads are in pdf, powerpoint or word
We set the user up and they can start using immediately.
No traiing is required but if schools and users feel they need it, we can do this over the telephone or online live. We also have a number of videos they can access.
School must create the account.
Learning Challenge Curriculum Pricing
Free Trial Paid Subscription
The product is priced at £750 per year.
We do offer discounts for smaller schools.
We also offer significant discounts for schools signing up to 3 years. Payment is due upfront.