What is Kitabu Dual Language ebook Library?
Every book has audio in the Home Language (eg Arabic, Polish, etc) and in the School language (English or German or Swedish or Norwegian. More School Languages will be added) There are videos, teacher’s notes, word highlight and activities. For school inspectors or evidence of pupil engagement statistics are also collated for further reporting.
Each ebook contains text and narration in both languages, making the stories ideal for those new to English or learning another language. The titles in our ebooklub can be purchased individually or as a collective, grouped by language.
Additionally all ebooks contain follow-on activities including audio flash cards, matching pairs, label the parts, sequencing the story and a video questionnaire. An animated video of each story is provided in English with teachers notes available online for ideas and storyboards.
For laptops or computers, all you need to do is type the following in the url: read.mantralingua.com For iPads, Androids, Smartphones you will need to download the free 'Bilingual Books' App from Google Play or the App Store.
Once you register, you can access any book anywhere in less than a minute!
No training required
Anyone can create the account.
Kitabu Dual Language ebook Library Pricing
Paid Subscription One-Off Fee