What is Kinteract?
Kinteract’s intuitive teaching and learning platform supports schools and educators in providing evidence based learning - anytime, anyplace and anywhere.
Regardless of location, curriculum or learner level, Kinteract enables teachers to deliver unique teaching and learning experiences within a singular platform that aligns to the workflows and reporting needs of their school. Through the use of observations, real-time student portfolio building and machine-learning algorithms, Kinteract is able to provide actionable insights and recommendations to improve educational outcomes.
Teachers have the flexibility to automate workflows, connect with families through one or two-way communication and plan seamlessly for the days, weeks or terms ahead using voice recording capabilities, content libraries, resource linking and live-lesson scheduling. Schools have the power to deliver classes in person or remotely while designing opportunities for student-driven learning.
Recommended Usage
Dependent on school size, we would recommend 50-80% of teaching staff and leadership teams use the platform each week.
Educational Impact
Internet access, accessibility on desktop, tablet and mobile.
Parents or carers can connect with teachers in real-time through one or two-way communication.
Kinteract Pricing
Paid Subscription
Contact Kinteract for pricing details.
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from 4 Verified Reviews