What is IPSim?
IPSim is an online competitive multiplayer real-time strategy game for Mac and PC, where players manage a company that trades in Intellectual Property. It provides an immersive experience into the real world of Intellectual Property protection, management and commercialisation. The objective of the game is to win by amassing the most cash and most valuable technologies through co-operation and competition with other players.
Recommended Usage
Hardware: PC Windows or Mac (either from students but preferably in IT suites). Teacher: Some basic knowledge of Intellectual Property to provide a lecture and preparation for the simulation Venue: Even though the game can be played online and remotely, it is suggested to play in a room to encourage interaction and collaboration. Also some AV equipment to provide a lecture to cover the theory before the simulation. Username: IPSim needs registration to be played Optional: We can provide the practitioner and charge per workshop too if it makes it easier for the educational institution.