What is INSIGHT?
INSIGHT is a fantastic software solution allowing parents to check their pupils' daily information along with future events.
Share school data with parents to increase engagement and help students progress in academic studies. Homework, behaviour, attendance, grades, gallery, updating personal details, messaging parents, parents evening booking system. Read/write Capita SIMS. Mobile friendly.
Hosted on school server linking with SIMS MIS only
2 hours
Online support setup. No further training necessary as intuitive and user friendly, designed to prevent the need of parent and pupil training
wiki giudes www.tascoftware.co.uk/wiki/insight
School must create the account.
and pupils also other external bodies such as social services who are linked with the pupil (LAC)
Paid Subscription
Additional add-ons available including:
Parents Evening Booking - £250pa
Room and Resource booking - £175pa
Active Directory - £175pa
Mobile App - £175pa