What is Heinemann Active Maths?
Heinemann Active Maths is the first activity–led maths programme, created specifically for Scottish schools, with the Curriculum for Excellence and Active Learning at its heart. Designed by an expert author team, led by Series Editors Lynda Keith and Lynne McClure, the programme meets the outcomes and experiences of Curriculum for Excellence through active learning, active teaching, and real progression.
In 2019 Heinemann Active Maths was updated and expanded to align with the CfE benchmarks, providing teaching, practice and assessment which is fully up to date with the requirements. Therefore, the online service now includes:
Teacher Activity Cards with new activities
Practice Photocopiable Masters
Question Banks for assessment
Computer/tablet, Activelearn login, internet
It only takes a short time to set your pupils up on ActiveLearn and get started using Heinemann Active Maths.
We offer valuable getting started PDF guides for teachers and parents. Tutorial videos can also be found for teachers and parents. We also offer several professional development courses designed to help teachers maximise the learning benefits on offer using this product. Users can also benefit from blogs, resources, webinars and conversations ongoing in our Pearson Schools Community.
School must create the account.
Heinemann Active Maths Pricing
Free Trial Paid Subscription
Paid Subscription, Free Trial. Subscription fees: Early level annual subscription- Large school: £128.89, Early level annual subscription- Medium school: £82.29, Early level annual subscription- small school:£35.19, Early level annual subscription- very small school: £23.69; First level annual subscription- Large school:£461.59, First level annual subscription- Medium school: £309.39, First level annual subscription- Small school: £158.39, First level annual subscription- Very small school: £75.99; Second level annual subscription- Large school: £461.59; Second level annual subscription- Medium school: £309.39 , Second level annual subscription- Small school:- £158.39 , Second level annual subscription- Very small school: £75.99