What is Generation Global?
Generation Global is an immersive and fun way for young people to learn and practise the skills of dialogue, explore different perspectives and global topics, and build intercultural connections with peers from all over the world. Through this interactive app, young people can earn badges and certificates, collect points and become "dialogue masters," and learn how to apply dialogue in real life. The programme is designed for young people ages 13-17, enabling them to:
· Be part of a safe and moderated online global community, that connects learners around the world outside of the classroom.
· Be able to learn the key skills of dialogue, which are: critical thinking, active listening, global communication, questioning and reflection.
· Improve their communication skills and enhance their English language skills in a way that is engaging and informative.
· Share their perspectives and learn from international peers on a range of global issues, including the Rights of Girls and Women, Climate Change, Social Media and Fake News, Hate Speech Online, Identity and Belonging and many more
All you need is an internet-enabled device - a mobile phone, tablet, or a laptop or desktop computer. Young people can then complete introductory topics in dialogue skills, practise these skills in written dialogue spaces and engage in real-time via video conferences with peers from 40+ countries, breaking down geographical barriers. With its intuitive social media-style to dialogue and meta-cognitive features for enriched learning, young people express themselves freely in a safe space and build an understanding of the world and themselves.
At its core, the programme adheres to established educational standards, including the Home Learning Approaches Framework and ISTE Student Standards, providing young people with an immersive learning experience. The app, optimised for low-bandwidth connections and featuring an offline mode, is designed to be inclusive and accessible for all young people.
Recommended Usage
The recommended engagement would be weekly, to keep the skills fresh and ensure access to every topic offered through video conferences.
All you need is an internet-enabled device to set up your account, either through the app or on our web platform
20 minutes
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