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GAT for Education

GAT for Education

GAT for Education

Optimised for a quick response

What is GAT for Education?

GAT for Education is the most comprehensive Google Workspace tool in the market.

It offers a powerful set of tools to help teachers and school admins cover the 3 essentials of digital learning: Monitoring, Management and Security — covering Classrooms, Drives, Calendars, Chrome, Users, Contacts, Emails and much more. GAT helps schools easily understand and manage what’s happening inside and outside their domain, with a complete overview of student and staff collaboration.

Recommended Usage

Depending on teachers’ and admins’ needs.
(Classes duration, users management, classroom management, etc…)..


Age Range
5-7, 8-10, 11-13, 14-16, 17-18

Terms of Service
Privacy Policy


GAT+ must be first installed from the Google MarketPlace using a Super Admin account.

GAT Shield and Teacher Assist need to be configured and deployed via the Admin Console >Device Management.

Each teacher can get delegated access for their own students, groups or OUs.

Set Up

Potentially 10 minutes from installation until deployment. We also offer video conference help for deployment and comprehensive online training.


We provide online training when/if required.

GAT for Education Pricing

Pricing Plans
Not provided by vendor.
Optimised for a quick response
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  • Over 1,500 global solutions independently evaluated
  • Helping 20,000 educators make informed choices each month

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