What is Fusion VLE?
Fusion is a Virtual Learning Environment VLE /LMS and Remote Education Platform which is ideal where a pupil, class, group or small number of pupils need to self-isolate, or there is a local lockdown requiring pupils to remain at home, Fusion is here to give you all the tools you need to offer immediate remote education, aligned with your in-school provision.
It allows schools to share learning and communicate with students and parents, in any language, on any device.
Teachers provide assignments, supported with rich multimedia, mark and grade submitted work, provide detailed feedback and engage in dialogue with students. They Involve students in multimedia blogs and forums and communicate with parents and create calendar events for all
their groups.
Task lists present learning materials for independent learning. Students access the materials and teachers track activity. Task lists are used to provide students with structured learning or build a course with assessment. Task lists can also be set for colleagues for staff CPD.
Students access structured learning, capture and upload all types of submission, receive awards an teacher feedback on their work. They discuss their learning with teachers and re-submit work as needed. They check their timetable or calendar, discover and sign up for school activities and exercise their student voice.
Parents engage with their child’s learning, receive notifications and access information stored on the school’s MIS data system; attendance, behaviour, timetable and school reports. They also provide permission for extracurricular activities, keep track of their child’s activities
and communicate with teachers.
Reports keep all staff informed.
Fusion connects to a school’s MIS system and offers Single Sign On. Hosted on Cloud or a local server.
Recommended platforms are PC, Mac, Tablet, Mobile and Internet-based to run the software.
Good to Go – With unlimited users, your platform is ready to use within 24 hours. Connect with your MIS and you are good to go.
After having a demo from a member of our team, there is an option to be provided with example login credentials for our demo system giving you full access to a working version of Fusion.
As part of your subscription, our training team come to your establishment to provide initial training to your key members of staff. If this is not enough, additional training sessions can be arranged for an additional cost. Get in touch via contact us form to find out more.
Free training, UK support and helpdesk available to teachers and admins.
We have a dedicated support team available Monday - Friday 08:00 to 16:30 (UK) ready to provide the support you need. We offer many different support methods such as our Livechat which can be accessed by clicking on the window in the left corner of your VLE for instant support. Our support team is available to teachers and school admins. For information, please get in touch via Contact Us Form.
Anyone can create the account.
Yes! Fusion comes with an advanced and easy to use parents portal allowing parents to keep up to date on what their child is up to.
Fusion VLE Pricing
Free Trial Paid Subscription One-Off Fee
Affordable – Everything you need to support remote education for just £349, in one easy to use platform.
The cost for Fusion can vary by region and by the number of users. Get in touch for a quote.