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FeedbackFruits Tool Suite

FeedbackFruits Tool Suite

FeedbackFruits Tool Suite

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What is FeedbackFruits Tool Suite?

FeedbackFruits Tool Suite offers several teaching tools which can be seamlessly integrated into different LMSs to support instructors in optimizing the learning activities in varied settings (online, hybrid, or blended). All the tools are designed to enhance a wide range of pedagogical themes, from student engagement and interaction, group (peer) assessment, feedback, collaboration, active learning, lifelong skills development, and such.

Our tool suite is designed to foster meaningful dialogues and interactions within either synchronous or asynchronous classrooms. Activating Study Materials allow teachers to flip the classroom by adding in-line questions and discussion points to multimedia deliverables (documents, audios, and videos), encouraging students to actively engage with the materials, and develop deeper comprehension and retention. Discussion tools enable the facilitation of meaningful dialogue to promote critical thinking by streamlined online discussion.

Feedback is one of the most effective strategies to foster critical thinking, collaboration, and problem solving. We then designed (Peer) Feedback tools which help streamline formative/summative feedback: Peer Review, Group Member Evaluation, Assignment Review, and Skill Review. While Peer Review emphasizes building effective classroom dynamics and interaction through quality peer feedback, Group Member Evaluation addresses free-riding, and improves student participation level in group assignments. Assignment Review and Skill Review foster teacher-student feedback on performance and skills; and Automated Feedback generates instant formative feedback on students' academic writing skills (grammer, spelling, reference, etc.)

There is also the Team Based Learning tool to optimize the team-based learning process. This tool is designed around the Readiness Assurance Phase (RAP) of the TBL process: the individual Readiness Assurance Test (iRAT) and team Readiness Assurance Test (tRAT). The instructors set up a multiple choice quiz with deadlines and instructions. This quiz is then completed twice by students, firstly in an individual setting (iRAT step) and then in a group setting (tRAT step).

As for assessment, our Quiz tool allows instructors to design knowledge tests of multiple choice and open questions and keep track of students’ understanding. The tool tests the knowledge of students in an engaging way and encourages attentiveness and active thinking.


Age Range
17-18, 19+

Peer AssessmentPeer FeedbackGroup AssessmentSelf AssessmentCollaborationAssessmentCourse DesignHybrid LearningData Analytics21st Century SkillsCourse DeliveryArtificial IntelligenceOnline CommunityQuizGradingAsynchronousSynchronous

English, Dutch

Robust features

Terms of Service
Privacy Policy

Available Offline
Internet - Low Bandwidth
Internet - High Bandwidth
Desktop - Mac
Desktop - Windows
Desktop - Chromebook
Mobile - iPhone
Mobile - iPad
Mobile - Windows
Mobile - Android

In Person
Live Online

Live trainings and workshops are provided right at the start of the adoption period to support faculties in setting up the tools. We also provide informative videos on the use of specific tools' functionalities, how to create an activity, teacher and student view, etc.

Knowledge Base
Phone Support
24/7 Live Rep

All our users including faculty members, instructors, IT team and students have access to our timely, up-to-date, and responsive support system of both online and offline resources: 24/5 live chat support, help center articles, workshops and training sessions.

Home Learning

School must create the account.

FeedbackFruits Tool Suite Pricing

Pricing Plans

Free Version
Free Trial
Paid Subscription

We're offering free lifelong access to instructors in higher education under the Educators Initiative. With this initiative we strive to enable innovative educators to use the FeedbackFruits tool suite to innovate their course designs and speed up (online) pedagogical transition.

Institutions require a faculty or institution-wide license in order to use FeedbackFruits on a larger scale with an optional piloting period provided beforehand. The pricing varies according to several factors such as number of students and number of tools to be used.

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