What is Edword?
Edword is an online toolbox for more engaging feedback on written work.
It transforms the way students learn and work with comments, while teachers are saving time. For the first time, you will learn about your students’ time spent and engagement per comment and follow their detailed progress. You can access best practice from your colleagues and share yours.
Edword integrates with your Learning Management System. No need to install anything.
For Google Docs solution users must use updated Chrome Browser. For Word for Office 365 solution users must have an Office 365 account and have this Word version installed. Office 365 Admin must have opened access to Office Store and granted permission to use Office Addins. We supply activation/login information to users.
Teachers with average proficiency in Word and/or Google Docs master usage very quickly by using the online materials we give access to. Also, we currently offer 8-10 free webinars per week for online introduction/training.
Edword Pricing
Based on FTE (Full-time equivalent) student count.