What is Dynamo Maths?
Dynamo Maths is an evidence-based specialist resource to support dyscalculia and students with Maths difficulties.
The program comes with a standardised assessment, online modules and worksheets for students, and lesson plans for intervention teachers.
It inclusively provides an SEN audit, and the online assessment reports a Number Sense Developmental Profile with a scheme of work that is signposted to a triple pathway online intervention. The program uses a graduated approach as recommended by the SEND Code of Practice: Assess, Plan, Intervene, Review.
Ideal for Maths intervention, catch-up as well as supporting children with SEN (dyscalculia) and maths developmental delays.
It is easy to use and can be used in the classroom, with intervention groups or from home. Dynamo Maths is available in UK English language and internationalised for US English and Spanish.
Recommended Usage
20 minutes.
Internet access and standard browser. Dynamo Maths is now HTML5 friendly and it will work on your iPad or Android device browser.
45-minute webinars are available for Primary School SENCO, Inclusion Manager, Class Teacher, HLTA and TA’s.
We also organise specific Dyscalculia subject training in topics such as: "What is Number Sense?", "Number Concepts", "Sequencing", "Student progress and review".
Parents can create the account.
Dynamo Maths Pricing
Free Trial Paid Subscription
Additional add-ons can be purchased: Standardised Assessment, Intervention License, Support Teacher License and "A Practical SEND Guide to Support" book.
A 14 day FREE trial is available that offers full access to Dynamo Intervention program for schools, plus a 30-40 minutes webinar for teachers. The assessment would need to be purchased during the trial.
The home/tutor version:
1 Student Assessment for £29.99 + VAT.
1 Student Intervention 1 year subscription for £121.76 + VAT.
A 48 hr free trial is available for home users to access sample resources. The assessment is not available on the home user trial.