What is DrFrostMaths?
DrFrostMaths provides an online learning platform, teaching resources, videos and a bank of exam questions, all for free.
Supporting learners all the way.
1. Catering for learners of all ages with 1000 question generators, known as Key Skills, and 40000+ exam questions for broader practice.
2. Supported with full workings and worked-example videos.
3. Sequential and scaffolded learning via courses crafted in-house, by exam boards and by schools.
Supporting schools and teachers.
1. Set and monitor work, either with fixed questions of your choice, an exam past paper, or flexibly adapts to each individual student.
2. Advanced data analytics allow you to identify class misconceptions, see task performance by topic, see student working and provide formative feedback to students.
3. Create worksheets to export to Word.
A charity serving thousands of schools worldwide.
We believe in high quality education for all individuals and institutions regardless of income, centred around the philosophy that education is a fundamental right of all and central to addressing social inequality on a global level.
DrFrostMaths is well optimized for mobile and tablet devices.
Anyone can create the account.
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