What is Digital Archive Resources for Schools Brochure?
Access the unique digital archives of the world’s leading illustrated magazines.
The Illustrated London News was the world’s first illustrated magazine founded in 1842 and published until 2003. Together with its nine sister titles The Graphic, The Bystander, The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, The Illustrated War News, The Sketch, Britannia and Eve, The Sphere, The Tatler, London Life, they chronicled the changing world throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, and are the most well-known in British periodical publishing history.
Priced affordably on an annual subscription, the two digital archives total 1.3 million pages.
Internet access, pc, laptop or tablet. Access to the collections is provided by IP address recognition, with username and password options.
We provide online user guides, with full details on how to search and use the collections.
Digital Archive Resources for Schools Brochure Pricing
Paid Subscription
There is an annual subscription of £750 for one major collection. Choose either Illustrated London News 1842-2003, or the 9 sister titles: The Graphic, The Bystander, The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, The Illustrated War News, The Sketch, Britannia and Eve, The Sphere, The Tatler, and London Life for £750. Or subscribe to both collections for £1000.