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Conexus Tuition

Conexus Tuition

Conexus Tuition

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What is Conexus Tuition?

At Conexus Tuition we believe that tuition can be a seminal part of a young person’s educational journey. We place the pupil at the heart of practice and success will follow because it is what happens ​‘around the table’ that is paramount.

Conexus Tuition was established in 2013 to offer exam focused tuition for young people. Such was the success of the model that it is now a UK wide company offering after school tuition to over 3,000 children both within schools and in after school provision. We have a superb online provision and provide a blended learning experience of tutoring.

Conexus Tuition Pricing

Pricing Plans

One-Off Fee
Hourly Rate

Conexus Tuition pricing starts from £56.25 / per-pupil

This cost is for 1-3 in person or online with the NTP subsidy applied.

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