What is Complete Maths?
At the Board Examples
Communicating new ideas to pupils is best achieved when teachers are able to thoroughly explore examples together with the class. In Complete Mathematics, teachers will find every single lesson is supported with examples and answers to use at the board. Dynamic examples give unlimited scope for discussing the mathematical features of new concepts.
Unlimited Dynamic Quizzes
Because our content is algorithm driven, teachers and pupils have unlimited content at their fingertips. Dynamic content appears across the Complete Mathematics platform for use in quizzes and activities set by the teacher or independently generated and explored by the pupil.
Intelligently Varied Practice
As experts in the very latest cognitive science, we use learning design features that best promote long term memory. Once pupils have attained fluency with a technique, they can make further gains by undertaking carefully designed activities. Our content algorithms create a perfect blend of questions designed to reveal underlying mathematical relationships.
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