What is ClubReg?
ClubReg provides staff leading extra-curricular activities with a digital registration system that links with the rest of the school.
Ensuring the safeguarding of pupils does not just extend to during normal school hours. Protecting pupils during breakfast or after school clubs is just as important.
While schools often look to improve security and functionality of their regular sign-in and registration systems, all too often breakfast and after-school clubs are overlooked.
With ClubReg, outdated paper registration systems can now be a thing of the past. ClubReg provides staff leading extra curricular activities with a digital registration system that links with the rest of the school.
Age Range
0-4, 5-7, 8-10, 11-13, 14-16, 17-18, 19+
Self RegistrationEvacuationSafeguarding
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ClubReg pricing starts from £0 / year
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