What is ClassLink?
ClassLink provides OneClick single sign-on into web and Windows applications, and instant access to files at school and in the cloud. Accessible from any computer, tablet or smartphone, ClassLink is ideal for 1to1 and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) initiatives.
Single Sign-On Into Thousands of Apps
ClassLink delivers instant access to all your web resources from all your devices. You can also launch remote Windows desktop applications right in your browser, with no software to install.
30 Minutes
Today’s education environment demands that schools are prepared for quick shifts between in-person, remote, and blended learning. This can be challenging, but schools don’t have to face this daunting task alone. ClassLink was built for this. Join us for a 30-minute introduction to learn how ClassLink can solve problems around access and engagement in your institution.
How Can ClassLink Help?
Access. ClassLink empowers 16 million students and staff with instant access to a library of 6,000+ single sign-on apps from in the classroom or at home.
Analytics. ClassLink Analytics provides essential usage data, so instructors can measure engagement and leaders can make informed purchasing and training decisions.
Identity Management. ClassLink Roster Server and OneSync use automation and open standards to make rostering and provisioning easier, more secure, and less time-consuming.
Software Requirements
1. Operating System: Windows Server 2016 or later
2. Install Google Chrome.
3. If you are using a WSUS server, ensure IIS packages are available.
4. All latest Windows updates installed.
This installation is a one time setup and only takes a few steps.
ClassLink offers training, certifications, and badges. ClassLink customers have access to on-demand learning experiences that integrate learning theories, gamification, “Voices from the Field,” and more. Additionally, ClassLink Academy goes beyond teaching company products, it focuses on the process of fostering relevance—even if beyond ClassLink products.
Support types we provide:
For Students/Instructors/Parents
Mobile Support
Anyone can create the account.
ClassLink Pricing
Free Trial Paid Subscription
Pricing Model: Flat Rate