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Britannica School

Britannica School


Britannica School

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What is Britannica School?

The information in Britannica School is aligned to the national curriculum for England, Scottish Standards, IB and US Common Core. The platform is updated daily by a team of 100 editors and spans a range of media, including video, images and audio content for all learning styles. As well as Britannica's rights-cleared content, we have also collaborated with trusted partners to deliver academic journals, primary source materials, and a collection of the internet's most reliable websites.

Britannica School offers three different levels to support early years and primary, secondary and sixth form. In addition, various differentiation tools are built into the platform to meet the diverse range of student needs within a mixed-ability classroom at all age and skill levels. Students can adapt the reading-level of information within any text they access and are futher supported with read-aloud functionality, double-click dictionaries, and article translations available in over 100 languages for EAL pupils, meaning that every student is catered for.

Educators and students are able to save and view their favourite content from Britannica School, and organise them into Resource Packs within a personalised 'My Britannica' account. Within this area, users have the option to upload their own content such as worksheets and mark schemes, to personalise the content. For further customisation, the 'notes' section allows for simple communication between educators and students, making the 'My Britannica' area a great tool for remote learning and homework activities.

The Britannica School service is accessible both in school and from home on any device. We provide integration options for any VLE, most notably Microsoft Teams and Google Classroom, making it easier for you to implement Britannica in order to meet your school's learning strategies.

Recommended Usage

We recommend Britannica School replaces general internet searches within your school. Through daily use and interaction, students will be better equipped to research independently and become more knowledgable about the subjects they are studying.

Video & Screenshots

Educational Impact

build student knowledge
improve teacher knowledge
improve attainment
reduce teacher workload

Case Studies


Age Range
0-4, 5-7, 8-10, 11-13, 14-16, 17-18

Read-aloud FunctionMerriam Webster DictionaryTranslation ToolShare ContentRights-cleared VisualsDifferentiated Reading-levelsCitationSafe ResearchEbsco JournalsCollection Of Reliable Websites

Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish

Moderate features

Internet - Low Bandwidth
Internet - High Bandwidth
Desktop - Mac
Desktop - Windows
Desktop - Chromebook
Desktop - Linux
Mobile - iPhone
Mobile - iPad
Mobile - Windows
Mobile - Android

Log in details will be provided by Britannica upon start date and internet access required.

Set Up

Within 24 hours.

In Person

Online CPD sessions are included in Britannica School subscriptions and training is offered for free throughout your subscription in the format that works best for your school.

Phone Support

Every subscribing school is allocated their own Britannica Account Manager who will be their point of contact and who will provide them with whatever support they need.

Home Learning
Parent Access

Anyone can create the account.

View home learning page

Britannica has a range of parent-facing guides and materials to encourage parental engagement with our resource. Login details can also be made available to parents to assist with home learning.

Research skillsOnline learning BritannicaBritannica DigitalLibrary toolsSafe search Classroom resourcesProject-based learningDifferentiationEAL supportReading supportEPQ resourcesCurriculum resourcesCurriculum-alignedEBSCOJournalseBooksArticlesImagesPrimary Sources

Britannica School Pricing

Pricing Plans

Free Trial
Paid Subscription

Britannica School pricing starts from £492 / year

Britannica School's subscription costs £679 per annum for a primary or prep school and £1140 per annum for a secondary. This price gives access to all members of your school community.

For smaller-than-average schools, prices can vary and discounted rates are available for mutli-year licences.

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Britannica School Reviews

4.5 out of 5

from 221 Verified Reviews

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