What is ActiveLearn Primary?
An online world for all your teaching and learning services.
For teachers, it’s an extensive repository of structured teaching material, with in-depth planning, assessment and reporting built in.
For children, a fun pupil world they can access in school and at home to find all the books, games and activities allocated by their teachers, as well as to find books to read for fun. They even earn rewards for their efforts and can spend these in the virtual pupil rewards area. Home to much-loved primary programmes including:
Bug Club, Bug Club Phonics, Power Maths, Maths Flex, Bug Club Shared, Grammar and Spelling Bug, Rapid Reading, Rapid Phonics, Power English: Writing, School Jam, Heinemann Active Maths, Science Bug, Abacus, Wordsmith
It only takes a short time to set your pupils up on ActiveLearn Primary.
To explore PD opportunities for ActiveLearn Primary please visit the PD Academy on the Pearson website.
School must create the account.
We don't currently offer parent subscriptions, but there is parent guidance for teachers to share for any at-home learning.
ActiveLearn Primary Pricing
Free Trial Paid Subscription
Free 30-day trial available.
ActiveLearn Primary resources are accessed through institutional subscriptions, purchased on an annual basis. The subscription size you will order is determined by the institution size, as listed in our system, based on the number of students you have registered.
Small school is fewer than 100 pupils
Medium school is 101–300 pupils
Large school is 301–500 pupils
Extra Large school is 501–999 pupils
Super school is 1000+ pupils