Guidelines for using EdTech Impact

Help us make education better for everyone, by following our simple rules below.

Guidelines for Reviewers

We want to help educators find the best products and maximise the quality of their students’ education. To do this, they need honest reviews.

So please follow these simple guidelines before you write a review.

  • Only review products you have actually used
  • Only review products you have used in the last 12 months (things may have changed since your experience!)
  • Don’t write a fake or biased review
  • Don’t make up an experience or write a review for someone else
  • Don’t review a company if you’re closely associated with, work for, or are in competition with them
  • Keep proof of your experience, as we might ask you to verify your review
  • Be nice: Don’t post anything harmful, hateful, discriminatory, defamatory or obscene. And don’t lie, bully, blackmail, make threats or do anything illegal
  • Don’t promote anything, just stick to your review (we’ll remove promos)
  • Don’t share any private information. Remember: reviews are public
  • Let us know if you want to edit / delete your review by emailing us at

The final say: these are just our guiding principles, we have the final say with regard to the interpretation and application of these guidelines, and can update them at any time

Guidelines for Suppliers

EdTech Impact is here to help you collect customer feedback and showcase your quality. It’s built on trusted reviews and the integrity of suppliers. Help us improve education for everyone by following our simple guidelines:

  • Only genuine users of your product / service should be invited to write a review
  • Anyone with a conflict of interest cannot write a review of your business — this includes you, your employees and your immediate family members
  • You and your employees also can’t review a competitor
  • When asking for reviews, your invitation process and language should be fair, neutral and unbiased
  • No fakes! Don’t write or ask people to write fake reviews. We will remove them and you could lose your certification and product listing, with no refund
  • If you don’t recognise a reviewer, try engaging with them or ask us to verify them
  • Play nice: Don’t post anything harmful, hateful, discriminatory, defamatory or obscene. And don’t lie, bully, blackmail, make threats or do anything illegal
  • Keep private information private: don’t post any sensitive or personal information, e.g.names, phone numbers, addresses, email addresses or anything else that could be used to track, identify, contact or impersonate someone
  • Factual disputes: We won’t remove a review just because you don’t agree with its content. We don’t get involved in disputes about what actually went down between a reviewer and a business. EdTech Impact is a consumer review platform, not a regulatory authority or a court of law
  • Information shown on your company profile and product pages must be correct and not misleading
  • A review is owned by the person who wrote it. They can edit or delete their reviews at any time, and can write more than one review
  • We don’t moderate reviews, but everyone can flag reviews that breach our guidelines. We won’t delete reviews just because you don’t like them, there needs to be a genuine reason for concern

The final say: these are just our guiding principles, we have the final say with regard to the interpretation and application of these guidelines, and can update them at any time
